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Target For Today Hap Arnold Talks to His Men WWII DVD

Target For Today Hap Arnold Talks to His Men WWII DVD

Victory Film Productions
  • Product Type:: DVD
Product Code: AVV-014
Stock Status: (Out of Stock)

Target For Today Hap Arnold Talks to His Men WWII DVD shows the planning and execution of an 8th Air Force bombing mission to Germany. Also, General Hap Arnold, Commanding General, speaks to the men of the 8th Air Force.

Film #1 - Hap Arnold Talks To His Men - General H.H. Arnold, Commanding General, Army Air Forces, speaks to men of the Air Force, pointing out locations on the map. Scenes of Washington showing public buildings and monuments, havoc of war overseas, aerial and ground combat. Run-time of 12 minutes in B&W.

Film #2 - Target For Today - 8th Air Force Bomber Command, stationed in England, prepares for and executes a daylight precision bombing mission on several German cities including Marlenburg, Danzig, Goynia, and Brandenburg. Animated maps locate bombing targets, technicians study and outline the mission, oral and written orders follow high-level consultations on intelligence, operations, navigations and bombing, bombs are loaded.

Crews of planes are awakened, eat breakfast, and begin extensive briefings on their missions. Crews arrive at airfield, take off, are intercepted by German fighter planes, targets are bombed, groups reassemble for return to England. Planes land and crews are interrogated. Run-time of 93 minutes in B&W.

Total run time for Target For Today Hap Arnold Talks to His Men WWII DVD  is about 1 hour, 45 minutes in B&W. Format is NTSC DVD.