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Airports in the Nineties Sharjah U.A.E An12 An124 DVD

Airports in the Nineties Sharjah U.A.E An12 An124 DVD

  • Product Type:: DVD
Product Code: AVL-016
Stock Status: (Out of Stock)

When this Sharjah video was released in 1997, its focus on a wide variety of Soviet freighters transporting goods from duty-free Dubai, made it extremely popular. Now it's been re-released on DVD as part of our Airports in the Nineties series, bringing you higher quality images and menu selection.

So many of the airlines that used Sharjah at that time have now ceased operation, making this DVD a wonderful record of their colorful aircraft.

Remember the Air Cess fleet with An8, An12, An24 and IL18? They're all here, plus IL76s of Aviaenegro, Uzbekistan and Payam Air, Domededovo IL62, Syrianair 747SP, Polet AN12, Hinduja 727 and Permtransavia Tu134.

There are just some of the fifty-five aircraft flying with forty-four different operators to be seen on this DVD, filmed entirely airside.

Originally filmed on digital video, this DVD re-release brings back some fabulous memories of an intriguing Middle Eastern airport.

In NTSC DVD format with runtime of about 60 minutes.